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68ºN, ride the arctic

Riding the arctic lines with our tents, pulkas and gear for 10 days in the wild wild North.

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April 14th, 2022. The day has finally come: we are leaving to the Artic Circle. Excited, stressed, happy, relieved - that bizarre mixture is what I'm feeling at the very moment I step out from the airplane in Oslo. And that we miss our connecting flight to Narvik...

The adventure can start. We left from Narvik on April 15th, with 50kg of dehydrated food, 4 pulkas, our skis, expedition tent, gas, mountaineering equipment and some other useful stuff you might want to take on a polar expedition.

In the ten days we spent there, we established 4 camps, spending usually one full day to connect one camp to the other, and another day skiing and wandering around to find some wild summits. We reached Abisko on the 24th of April, in a semi-zombie state to find back civilisation, e.g. hot water and cooked food !

Our planned route looked like (the track can be downloaded from below, including all alternative routes):

Download GPX • 4.21MB

And our final gpx route looked more like this (approx 150-175km) over 10 days:

Download GPX • 48KB

Can be also found on FATMAP:


Final video

39xx Edition

Projet en chiffres




kilometers crossed


meters climbed uphill!

Galerie de photos

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